Embark on a transformative journey towards your ideal life and recovery! Ever find yourself questioning your position on the path to your dreams? Do persistent doubts linger in the corners of your mind, burdened by unnecessary guilt and shame? Struggling to break free from the chains of addiction and discover genuine happiness? Fear not, for I've walked in those same shoes. For a daunting 26 years, I battled the grips of active addiction until I unearthed a purposeful life as my authentic self.

Now, it's time for you to embrace your recovery, seize the reins of your life, and unlock the door to newfound freedom. I get it, the struggle is real, but so are the possibilities. Let's navigate this journey together, paving the way for an extraordinary future that knows no bounds!

Ready to take that pivotal first step toward a brighter tomorrow? Today is the day to reclaim your life! Join me on this empowering expedition, and together, let's rewrite the script of your life for a triumphant comeback! Your brighter future awaits – let's make it happen!


We humans are made up of 4 main parts: Emotional, Spiritual, Physical and Mental. Our coaching will help you connect and optimize ALL of you, so that you can begin to live an amazing life of recovery as your true authentic self.

Beyond living clean and sober, recovery coaching can help you realize your inner self and learn to accept the world as it is. While developing a vision for your future you will feel empowered, and confidence will return and flourish as you set and achieve goals that align with who you are at your core.

The main goal of our sessions is to EMPOWER YOU to find, live and embrace your true authentic self and live the life you deserve, free of substance abuse. Our sessions will give you the tools, help identify your triggers and you will find new confidence as you continue on your journey.


A recovery coach provides guidance, support, and motivation to individuals seeking to overcome addiction and achieve lasting recovery. Unlike licensed therapists, recovery coaches do not diagnose or treat mental health disorders; instead, they focus on the practical aspects of recovery and help clients navigate the challenges associated with substance use.

The role of a recovery coach is to work collaboratively with individuals, helping them create personalized plans for sobriety and providing ongoing support as they work towards their goals. This support may include assistance in identifying triggers, developing coping mechanisms, setting and achieving milestones, and fostering a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Recovery coaches often draw from their own experiences with recovery, bringing a unique perspective and understanding to their role. They aim to empower individuals to take control of their lives, make positive
choices, and build a foundation for long-term recovery. The relationship between a recovery coach and their client is built on trust, empathy, and a shared commitment to the individual's well-being. Overall, a recovery coach serves as a valuable ally in the journey towards overcoming addiction and building a healthier, substance-free life.


Recognizing the uniqueness of your individuality, our efforts together will be dedicated to tailoring a roadmap that resonates with your personal goals. Your journey towards positive change is as distinctive as you are, and our sessions will mirror this understanding.

We will delve into the intricacies of your experiences, preferences, and challenges to ensure that every aspect of the plan reflects your individuality. This personalized approach not only acknowledges the diversity of your journey but also empowers you to take ownership of your transformation.

Our commitment is to foster an environment where your goals and aspirations are not only understood but celebrated, creating a collaborative and dynamic partnership that propels you towards a fulfilling and authentic life.


A Relapse Prevention Plan is a tailored, comprehensive plan that outlines the tools and strategies that work best for YOU to stay on this side of recovery. Working together, we will develop a simple working plan for you to integrate into your life today.


You're never alone! I offer you unwavering support along your recovery journey. I’m IN YOUR corner and want you to succeed and achieve what I’ve been able to; a beautiful holistic life built around the Authentic SELF! Every client I work with has direct text-support with me via. WhatsApp, offering immediate relapse-prevention and accountability, for the duration of your coaching.


A Recovery Coach serves as your accountability partner, helping you stay on track with your recovery goals. I am here to ensure you meet the milestones you set for yourself, and to help you keep your journey inspired and motivated.


Your transformation knows no bounds! Prepare for an empowering journey, fueled by boundless guidance, unwavering support, and personalized strategies tailored just for you. Through immersive 1-1 sessions conducted over Zoom, we'll dive deep into the realms of focused recovery, crafting comprehensive goals that align with your unique needs.

Your recovery is my commitment, and I'm here for you around the clock. Stay connected with the ease of WhatsApp and email – I'm just a message away, ensuring you're supported every step of the way.

Our sessions together are designed to empower you, arming you with the strength to conquer any obstacle that may cross your path on your journey to lasting recovery.

Seize the opportunity to navigate your recovery and life with newfound confidence. Don't miss out – book with me today and unlock the limitless possibilities awaiting you! It's time to rewrite your story and embrace the life you deserve.

Phone: 1-800-489-3218